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Your 1999 California State Legislators

Write your senate or assembly representative and express your opinion about legislation of interest to you.
Send your letter to:

(Insert name)
State Capitol
Room (Insert room number)
Sacramento, CA., 95814

Alarcon, Richard 4066
Alpert, Dede 5114
Baca, Joe 5108
Bowen, Debra 4040
Brulte, James L. 5087
Burton, John L. 205
Chesbro, Wesley 3070
Costa, Jim 5100
Dunn, Joseph L. 2068
Escutia, Martha M. 5064
Figueroa, Liz 2057
Hayden, Tom 2080
Haynes, Ray 2187
Hughes, Teresa 5050
Johannessen, Maurice 5061
Johnson, Ross 305
Johnston, Patrick 5066
Karnette, Betty 3086
Kelley, David G. 3082
Knight, Wm. ‘Pete’ 5082
Leslie, Tim 4081
Lewis, John R. 3063
McPherson, Bruce 3076
Monteith, Dick 2048
Morrow, Bill 4062
Mountjoy, Richard 4052
Murray, Kevin 4082
O’Connell, Jack 5035
Ortiz, Deborah V. 4032
Peace, Steve 3060
Perata, Don 4061
Polanco, Richard 313
Poochigian, Charles 2054
Rainey, Richard K. 4090
Schiff, Adam B. 5080
Sher, Byron 2082
Solis, Hilda L. 4039
Speier, Jackie 2032
Vasconcellos, John 4074
Wright, Cathie 5052


Aanestad, Sam 4144
Ackerman, Dick 4167
Alquist, Elaine 3120
Aroner, Dion 2163
Ashburn, Roy 4158
Baldwin, Steve 2002
Bates, Patricia C. 4009
Battin, Jim 5126
Baugh, Scott 4162
Brewer, Marilyn C. 6031
Briggs, Mike 2111
Calderon, Thomas M. 2148
Campbell, Bill 3098
Cardenas, Tony 4005
Cardoza, Dennis 2141
Cedillo, Gil 5016
Corbett, Ellen M. 4126
Correa, Lou 2137
Cox, Dave 4116
Cunneen, Jim 2174
Davis, Susan 2013
Dickerson, Richard 3147
Ducheny, Denise Moreno 6026
Dutra, John 6011
Firebaugh, Marco A. 3126
Florez, Dean 5135
Floyd, Richard 4016
Frusetta, Peter 5175
Gallegos, Martin 6005
Granlund, Brett 4164
Havice, Sally 5150
Hertzberg, Robert M. 320
Honda, Mike 5155
House, George 3141
Jackson, Hannah-Beth 4098
Kaloogian, Howard 4130
Keeley, Fred 3152
Knox, Wally 6025
Kuehl, Sheila James 3013
Leach, Lynne C. 3132
Lempert, Ted 2188
Leonard, Bill 2175
Longville, John 2196
Lowenthal, Alan 4139
Machado, Mike 5136
Maddox, Ken 4102
Maldonado, Abel 4017
Margett, Bob 5160
Mazzoni, Kerry 3123
McClintock, Tom 4153
Migden, Carole  2114
Nakano, George 2158
Olberg, Keith 4117
Oller, Thomas “Rico” 4208
Pacheco, Robert 4177
Pacheco, Rod 3104
Papan, Louis J. 3173
Pescetti, Anthony 2130
Reyes, Sarah 5128
Romero, Gloria 2117
Runner, George 6027
Scott, Jack    4146
Shelley, Kevin 3160
Soto, Nell 5164
Steinberg, Darrell 2176
Strickland, Tony 2016
Strom-Martin, Virginia 3146
Thompson, Bruce 2160
Thomson, Helen 4140
Torlakson, Tom 2003
Villaraigosa, Antonio 219
Vincent, Edward 5119
Washington, Carl      2136
Wayne, Howard 2170
Wesson, Herb 2179
Wiggins, Patricia 4112
Wildman, Scott 3091
Wright, Roderick 6012
Zettel, Charlene 5158


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