Thank You Epsilon Sigma Alpha
The California state chapter of the Epsilon Sigma Alpha International sorority recently presented Arc-California with a check for
$10,350.77, the net proceeds from their 1998-1999 ESA statelevel fund raising philanthropy project.
The ESA sorority is an association of women devoted to leadership training, educational programs and community service. They have ESA
local chapters across California whose members serve the less fortunate of their communities.
As a statelevel project, ESA members have been contributing to the prevention advocacy efforts of the Arc for the past 35 years. Next
year the Arc will again be the recipient of ESA “state project” funds. Joan Virtue, past President, will be the chair person for their
1999-2000 project.
Each local ESA chapter chooses its own philanthropic project to which members may volunteer their time, energy and resources.

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- January/February 2000
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