January is National Birth Defects Prevention
Get the "B" Attitude, that is "B" for the B vitamin folic acid. You get
the "B" Attitude by taking the B vitamin folic acid every day. The March of Dimes is interested in alerting all women of childbearing age
to know about folic acid, because it may help save their babies from birth defects of the brain and spinal cord called neural tube defects
The March of Dimes is raising and investing $10 million in a three-year Folic Acid Campaign urging women to take a multivitamin containing 400
micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folic acid every day, in addition to eating a healthy diet. It recommends that all women consult their physician
before pregnancy. If you have diabetes, epilepsy or a family history of NTDs, talk to your physician about folic acid before you plan for
your next baby.
Every year, 2,500 babies are born in the United States with NTDs. The most common is spina bifida, or open spine, the leading cause of
childhood paralysis. In another NTD, anencephaly, a baby's brain and skull are underdeveloped. Babies with anencephaly always die. The
CDC estimates that if all women of childbearing age in the United States took 400 micrograms of folic acid every day, 50-70% of
NTDs could be prevented.
But folic acid will not work if women do not know about it and do not take it. A 1998 Gallup/March of Dimes survey revealed that only 13%
of women know that folic acid can help prevent NTDs, and only 1 in 3 take a multivitamin containing folic acid every day.
March of Dimes volunteers, clubs and community groups are getting the folic acid message out by distributing materials, making presentations
and conducting other folic acid education activities in their communities. The March of Dimes is also developing targeted advertising, and working
with corporations on special promotional projects to market the folic acid message to specific populations.
You can help the March of Dimes save babies from NTDs by getting the "B" Attitude. For women, that means taking folic acid every day
before and during early pregnancy. It is easy to get the recommended amount by taking a multivitamin and eating healthy foods rich in folic
acid such as fortified breakfast cereals, orange juice and leafy green vegetables. Some studies suggest that folic acid may help prevent heart
disease, colon and cervical cancers. Men acquire the "B" Attitude by spreading the folic acid message to their partner, friends and
colleagues. Folic acid is good for them too.
Sometimes in a complex world, there are simple solutions to tragic and complicated problems. Folic Acid is one such solution. It is easy, and
it works.
(Press Release from the March of Dimes. For further information, call 888-MODIMES, or visit

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- January/February 2000
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